About Iflix
Iflix is a K & C Drama streaming platform with over 50 Million+ users globally. Stream your favorite originals, heart wrenching dramas, top rated shows & more on it.
Explore movies & dramas in every genre like action, romance, thriller, western, eastern and more. Stream content in full HD quality to 4K as per your internet speed.
You can also download movies, dramas & shows to watch offline and save your data. Stream on multiple platforms like android TV, smartphone, PC, Laptop & more.
It offers subtitles in different languages including Indonesian, Vietnamese, Burmese, Malay, Sinhala, Thai, and English . You can add your own subtitle file as you do in VLC Media Player.
So download its Latest version from this page.

Eastern Movies, Dramas & Shows
Stream most popular Chinese & Korean movies shows for free. Explore the eastern film industry’s culture & style which many people are unaware because of Hollywood domination in the global entertainment industry.
Learn about Asian people and their culture with the help of movies and shows on it. New dramas & TV shows are added weekly.
It also has content from other Asian streaming platforms like WeTV & more.

User Friendly Interface
Iflix interface demonstrates eastern culture with their unique & diverse films. You can customize the UI in settings as per your requirements.
It recommends best suited movies & dramas on the homepage by analyzing your playlist, genre, actors & more.
Connect your Facebook account to watch & comment live with friends and family.

Personalize Your Content Library
Create a playlist to add your favorite movies, shows & dramas to share with your friends and family. Movies in your content library appears on the homepage for easy access.
You will get similar content recommendations from the app.
Full HD & Multi language Streaming
Stream movies in various languages with subtitles in Indonesian, Vietnamese, Thai, English & more. Choose streaming quality from Full HD to 4K depending on your internet connection.
Or download them to watch offline and save data.

Stream Anywhere, Anytime
Stream on different platforms like smartphone, android TV, PC, Laptop & more. It automatically syncs all your data across devices to deliver the best cross platform streaming experience.
Iflix offers the best streaming experience with customizable brightness, volume & amazing sound and image quality.

VIP Unlocked
IFlix offers a 30-day free trial account but it’s not enough so we provide premium VIP unlocked accounts for free. You can stream/download all content in Full HD quality for free in it.

IFlix Premium/Paid Account for Free
- Join our telegram channel.
- Click on the search bar.
- Enter ‘IFlix Paid/Premium Accounts’.
- A list of 1000+ email accounts with passwords appear.
- Choose anyone to login to official IFlix app.
Note: Hurry Up! The number of accounts are limited.
Credits: Image Future (Owner & Publisher).
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